Happy time of the year. If only I would feel better... Colds continue, one after the other. Before recovering from one, the next one floors me again. First time ever I take so much medication.
This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.
Happy time of the year. If only I would feel better... Colds continue, one after the other. Before recovering from one, the next one floors me again. First time ever I take so much medication.
It's a funny place, this little pond far from the sea. I wonder what makes it so attractive to the birds. This winter's special guest: A single goose just a bit bigger than the resident ducks. When fast asleep they all look the same.
Lesser White-fronted Goose, カリガネ
I drove to the dam in the south to look for Rosefinches, but I could not find any. What I saw were 2 male Bluetails, a lonesome Tufted Duck hanging out with Coots, a wandering Badger and lots of Masked Buntings. There were Pale Thrushes as well, and some Grey Buntings, Siskins and Greenfinches. It was a nice, sunny day.
Red-flanked Bluetail, ルリビタキ♂
The 2nd Bluetail wasn't shy and as it approached me it seemed to expect something. Has someone been feeding him?
On March 2nd, I saw 1 bird feeding in the rain on a big lawn. It left after a few minutes - already - and was not seen again. Too short, but I was happy I could witness it.
Eurasian Hoopoe, ヤツガシラ
This winter they appear all over Kyushu. At least, in our part, the north of Japan's most southerly island. Funny birds. They stand out in a crowd. Their posture, behaviour and appearance are so typical. People walking by sometimes stop to look and aks me what they are looking at.
White's Thrush, トラツグミ
In the weekends cars are lined up in front of the reed beds where the Bittern hangs out. At least it did for a while. I certainly saw it flying here, but the waiting bird photographers didn't get what they wanted. It wasn't till most had left that a Peregrine Falcon flew by and flushed it out. Still, I didn't immediately understand what exactly had happened, my eyes could only follow one pair of wings. It was discovered, but not where everybody was looking...
The Peregrine Falcon, ハヤブサ that nearly caught our precious Bittern
During most of the winter the duck could be seen in the river. Sometimes in one of the ponds, often far away. Like this dark, grey day. Not good for photography, but I took some shots anyway, mostly because the drake showed some display-type behaviour. I wondered, is one of the females an American? Then they flew. And I got to see the big white wing panels. Happy!
American Wigeon, アメリカヒドリ