

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Snow birds 2: White-backed Woodpecker, オオアカゲラ and some stunning scenery

The following day the snow was mostly gone. This Woodpecker had fun in the early sunlight

Higher up the mountains the scenery was pristine. Only brave men with special gear get to see that.
Photography by Jaap Mulder

Daurian Redstart, ジョウビタキ didn't like to get his feet cold.

Japanese Shika Deer, ニホンシカ

Japanese Badger, アナグマ searching for food, found a cozy spot under the floor of a well-heated guest house

Snow birds: Japanese Green Woodpecker, アオゲラ

Snow was in the forcast, but just for 1 or 2 days. We took our chances and drove to the central mountains of Kyushu, knowing that we might get stuck. Which happened indeed, but lasted only 3 days

Japanese Green Woodpecker, アオゲラ and Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, コゲラ aiming at the same seeds

The bigger one won - rule of nature

Also in the area: female Redflanked Bluetail, ルリビタキ

Willow Tit, コガラ

The inevitable and unavoidable - Ice

Friday, 3 January 2025

Baikal Teals, トモエガモ 2

 Another day, another location. Different weather as well - wind, little sun and cold. - You can't have it all.

Baikal Teal, トモエガモ in Saga 1

Went to see the Baikal Teals in Saga. It was overwhelming, so many.

Baikal Teal, トモエガモ - male

Driving the fields I was surprised to see these 2 Black-winged Stilts, セイタカシギ. It's December, shouldn't you have moved on?

How did you get in there behind the netting anyway?

Another surprise: Hen Harrier, ハイイロチュウヒ - male

Not a surprise, but posing right in front of me: Common Starling, ホシムクドリ

I called it quits for that day and returned home.

Shelducks on Ice

When the river is not completely frozen, ducks walk on thin ice

Common Shelduck, ツクシガモ

Half hidden in the grass, 2 Common Teals, コガモ

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Isahaya 3, Western Yellow Wagtail, ツメナガセキレイ and some more

Continued from part 2

I was watching the Starlings when I noticed these Wagtails among the common White ones. There were 3 Western Yellow Wagtails, ツメナガセキレイ in their winter outfit.

Did you spill some egg yoke on your chest?

I think there will always be Lapwings. Here is one with 3 tags on its leg
Northern Lapwing, タゲリ

Finally a Kestrel, チョウゲンボウ - Where are you guys hanging out?

Is this what you're looking for?

The only birds I saw plenty of were Cranes. Below the White-naped stretching their wings.