

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Isahaya 2

Continued from part 1

When the morning walk didn't produce any raptors at photographable distance, I moved on to smaller birds. On the edge of the reeds I saw a few Common Reed Buntings, オオジュリン. Rather quiet. 

A little more vocal was this guy, I belief to be a Zitting Cisticola, セッカ

Nearby, a group of Raccoon dogs, タヌキwas playing around. They looked healthy, with a thick coat of hair.

The Daurian Redstarts, ジョウビタキ along the road were very active. They seem to like the sunshine.


There was a flock of Common Starlings, ホシムクドリ moving around at the usual place.

Twice a female Hen Harrier, ハイイロチュウヒ flew across the fields

I felt lonely

To be continued

Isahaya 1

Arriving at the end of the day we were just in time to catch a glimpse of a few birds

First a Short-eared Owl, コミミズク

The ISO had to be prepped up a fair bit to get these images. They are not perfect, but they show the bird that was there

Same with the fast-moving male Hen Harrier, ハイイロチュウヒ

A Chestnut-eared Bunting, ホオアカ joined the party

Followed by a Weasel, Japanese or Siberian? イタチ

... and play-acting Woolf - Raccoon Dog, タヌキ

First sighting of many Cranes, here the Hooded Cranes, ナベヅル

Meadow Bunting, ホオジロ watching me from the side of the road

To be continued

Saturday, 28 December 2024

December sightings in the west

Just when I told someone I hoped to see a Red-breasted Merganser, ウミアイサ on land, one female was coming really close

Come on, hop on a slab! I want to see your feet.

No luck, feet stayed out of sight. I had to wait for this 

 I didn't see any Harlequin Ducks, シノリガモ
At the same place: Eurasian Wigeon, ヒドリガモ - My winged sister

Grey Bunting, クロジ - Always happy to see you

Blue Rock Thrush, イソヒヨドリ

Buff-bellied Pipit, タヒバリ

On the other side of the bay, just one Brown Booby, カツオドリ was decorating the skyline

Bali Butterflies

It was not the right season for butterflies, but I saw quite a few. Exciting to see new species, as in new to me. Are they also called lifers? Thanks to iNaturalist I have some names - even in Japanese!

Plain Tiger Butterfly,  カバマダラ

 Painted Jezebel , ベニモンカザリシロチョウ

Banded Blue Pierrot. Saw it only once.

ヤエヤマシロチョウ · Striped Albatross

Common Albatross , ナミエシロチョウ

Purple Sapphire

 Female Blue Pansy, アオタテハモドキ I didn't see a male.

Peacock Pansy, タテハモドキ

 Forest Quaker , リュウキュウウラボシシジミ . In the forest of the mountains

Lemon Migrant , ウスキシロチョウ  There seem to be many forms


Caper White. I have some doubts about the name (white???) but this is what iNat came up with.

Commander , チャイロイチモンジ 

Northern Argus 

Himalayan Jester. It quickly disappeared in the dense bush and I never saw it's upper wings 😞

Grey Pansy, アトリテスタテハモドキ Lots of these! J named it the Sarong butterfly

Mycalesis sudra Bushbrown, slightly different from the Chinese Bushbrown that we see here.

Baby Fivering. Another one that looks familiar, but isn't the same

Tawny Coster , ヘリグロホソチョウ

Psyche , クロテンシロチョウ

Common Faun, look at that sweet face!

Plains Cupid, クロマダラソテツシジミ - Same as ours!