

This blog is for family and friends, to share my feelings and photos with and for myself, to support my fading memory. Readers who have my site translated automatically, please refer to the original if necessary. Especially when it comes to identification. Any comments, anonymous or by email name are always welcome!.

Monday, 30 May 2022

Raccoon babies, アライグマ

All babies are cute, but these 2 were SUPER! Late afternoon, we were on the way home when we saw them on the side of the road in the mountains south of the city. No parents were in sight, they must have been watching from a distance.

How old would they be? 3 months? One was a little smaller than the other.

They saw me from across the road, but didn't seem too concerned. Hadn't they learned about harmful humans yet?

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Around Fukuoka city in May

When there are no special birds to see I will do with the regulars around town. And I was quite pleased to see them in the green foliage of early summer!

Japanese Green Woodpecker, アオゲラ

Narcissus Flycatcher, キビタキ

Ryukyu Ashy Minivet, リュウキュウサンショウクイ

Little Grebe, カイツブリ parent and child

Brown-eared Bulbul, ヒヨドリ pair?

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker, コゲラ

Red-rumped Swallow, コシアカツバメ

Alpinia japonica,  ハナミョウガ

Common Mapwing larva, イシガケチョウ 幼虫

コウホネ, East Asian yellow water-lily

Japanese Striped Snake, シマヘビ

Nejiki, ネジキの花
Don't you want to look inside?

Tsumakishiro Namishaku, ツマキシロナミシャク (Carpet moth)

Himeuranami Janome, ヒメウラナミジャノメ

female Indian Fritillary,  ツマグロヒョウモン

ヒメジャノメ, Chinese Bushbrown

Sekkoku Orchid, セッコクラン

Friday, 27 May 2022

Kanatake walk May, 2022

The day started a little cool, but soon the sun warmed us all up. Not yet too hot. Just right. May has so many bugs and flowers, it was hard to keep up. The pictures below are just a small selection of all there was to see.

Spotted Bellflower, ホタルブクロ  and  Clasping Venus's Looking glass, キキョウソウ,

both white varieties

Bridal Wreath, ウツギ

Gonzui flower, ゴンズイの花

Nejiki, ネジキの花

Silver Dragons, ギンリョウソウ

White Thistle, シロバナアザミ

Persimmon flower. カキの花

Yellow Iris, キショウブ

Rain Lily, サフランモドキ

Tatsunamisou, タツナミソウ

Young spiders, クモ

Lamy Longhorn, (Ramikamikiri) ラミカミキリ

Harabiro Tombo, ハラビロトンボ pairing

Yellow Crest Moth, キモンガ       Kishita Hosoba, キシタホソバ

Yumadara Edashaku, ユウマダラエダシャク

Usukio Edashaku, ウスキオエダシャク

Common Bluebottle larva, アオスジアゲハの幼虫

Caterpillar of Gomafuridokuga, a kind of Tussock moth?ゴマフリドクガの幼虫?,

Common Mapwing larva, イシガケチョウ 幼虫

? Caterpillar

Q moth,  ガ

Japanese Wild Rose gal, ノイバラの虫こぶ

Bee or Wasp nest, 蜂の巣.  

Bush cricket, キリギリス

White-cheeked Starling, ムクドリ

Watsonia Borbonica