10 People gathered for the monthly walk. There was rain in the forecast, but we didn't get too wet. There were numerous sightings of interesting "small stuff" but very few birds. Many babies, all sorts.
We started off with longhorn beetles emerging out of the holes in the bamboo. Had they just hedged? What a way to start your life!
Bamboo tiger beetle, タケトラカミキリ (Chlorophorus annularis)
still covered in wood dust
Adult beetle
When I walked past a few days before I heard the sounds coming from inside the box. I wondered what had happened to the original nest. I still don't know, but the family is doing fine.
ツバメ Barn swallow
The baby demanding food from another young bird, who can't stand the pressure
Next a cicada that also might have just come out of its shell
アブラセミ, Large brown cicada and セミの抜け殻 (seminokara)
テリハノイバラ, Rosa luciae
Baby hopper, バッタ
ツマグロバッタ Stethophyma magister
baby stinkbug, ホシハラビロヘリカメムシの幼虫, Homoeocerus dilatatus?
キュウシュウシロマイマイ, Trishoplita eumenes
Common Mapwing, イシガケチョウ
Red Helen, モンキアゲハ
Purple-Loosestrife, ミソハギ アキノタムラソウ, Salvia japonica
セスジナミシャク, Evecliptopera illitata
The body of this cicada is covered in fungi. There seem to be symbiotic fungi that are derived from fungal parasites of cicadas. These cordyceps fungi produce bioactive substances including immunosuppresants. The change from parasitic relations to symbiotic relations can occur!
Dew drops, 露滴
Bekko Hagoromo, ベッコウハゴロモAsian Planthopper
Chinese red-headed centipede,トビズムカデ
ヌマトラノオ, Lysimachia fortunei
Common bluebottle, アオスジアゲハ on Clethra, リョウブ
アオスジアゲハの卵, Common bluebottle egg
Dwarf lilyturf , リュウノヒゲ (ジャノヒゲ)
ウスベニスジヒメシャク Timandra dichela
Japanese brown frog, 二ホンアカガエル
キイロスズメの幼虫, Theretra nessus
Diana treebrown, クロヒカゲ
ニホンカナヘビ, Japanese Grass Lizard
ムクドリ, White-cheeked starling There were more then 60 birds
Wisteria japonica ナツフジ
Again, Common bluebottle, アオスジアゲハ on Clethra, リョウブ
Clethra, リョウブ
ヨメナ, Aster yomena
コオニユリ, Lilium leichtlinii
Small copper, ベニシジミ on Water dropwort, セリ (Oenanthe javanica)
ツシマケマイマイ, Aegista trochula.
A huge Convolvulus hawk-moth, エビガラスズメガ (Agrius convolvuli)
Japanese Tree Frog, ニホンアマガエル
No name (yet)
クロハラヒメバチ, Quandrus pepsoides
Correction: ベッコウクモバチ Cyphononyx fulvognathus.
Oriental turtle dove, キジバト
Kempfer cicada, ニイニイゼミ
caterpillar of Ramie Moth, フクラスズメ
カナブン, アオカナブン Kanabun and Aokanabun Scarab Beetle or Drone Beetle,
Wasp spider, ナガコガネグモ
At the vege plot...
...with today's harvest
2 Days before when I walked around:
ウコンカギバの幼虫 Turmeric Kagiba larva
A Longhorn beetle whose name translates to Spotted Red Longhorn, ホシベニカミキリ, Eupromus ruber
The Shade butterfly, ヒカゲチョウ (Lethe sicelis) endemic to Japan
セスジスズメの幼虫 Impatiens Hawkmoth caterpillar
Cute little stinkbug ヒメジュウジナガカメムシ on Fleabane Daisy, ヒメジョオン
ヨツスジトラカミキリ, Yotsusuji Longhorn beetle
Wandering glider, ウスバキトンボ.
Krananda moth, スカシエダシャク Krananda semihyalina
コウヤツリアブ, Anthrax aygulus
No Name fungus
You have come to the last photo of this blog post. Congratulations, it's my favorite.
Thank you very much for your effort and interest!
Japanese honeybee, ニホンミツバチ (Apis cerana japonica) and Sunflower, ヒマワリ